
i dont suppose i have been grateful and thankful enough. these past few days and weeks have been filled with just so much negativity and drama- things we just all do NOT need. i have not realized that there is much in my life to be thankful and grateful for. enjoy the collection of anecdotes below about people and things in my life i am so grateful for.

thank you to my roommate. you have truly seen my at my best, but you have also experienced what it is like to see me at my worst. thank you for staying up to date with all my stories that are constantly changing, and understanding how i feel. thank you for running through campus with me as we chase the postmates man to get our food. thank you for acknowledging that people suck at times, but thank you for being that one person i can tell things to. thanks for wishing me good luck on my exams, speeches, and asking how they went. thank for you turning off my desk lamp when i forget and i am already in bed. thank you for discovering new music with me, thank you for buying girl scout cookies with me and joking around with me about absolutely everything. thank you for handling my sarcasm and replying back with your own.

thank you to my job and my place in work. i am forever grateful to have a job on campus, and knowing that what i am doing is truly benefiting others is such a great feeling. i spend my days making sets of outfits for girls, boys, men, women of all sizes and ages for chirstmas 2016 (a holiday that is 10 months away from now.) knowing that i am benefiting so many lives out there is an amazing feeling. i am so glad to be part of something that is doing good for the greater part of the world.

thank you to my RA nina for not documenting me when i am being too loud around the dorms. i can get a little excited… or a quite mad and dont understand how loud i am truly being. thank you for providing as much words of wisdom and giving as much advice as you possibly can for me and telling me that everything will work out. even though i may not believe it at times, i truly appreciate it and will be so thankful once everything does work out.

thank you to my friends who tell me they are there for me always and that i can always talk to them. i may not always accept this invitation to talk, but knowing that you all truly care and want to talk to me makes me so happy. i would not have been able to get through this past semester and get through this current semester without you all. thank you for not making too much fun of my obsession with toast and thank you for always asking how i am doing. thank you for going to the local coffee shop near campus on weekends and doing homework there with me. thank you for getting me out and on adventures (see featured image). i love you all immensely. i hope that we can stay friends through these next four years and beyond.

thank you to the ladies on my wing who can make me laugh harder than anyone else. i am so blessed to have met 30 great souls. i walk into the communal bathroom to brush my teeth and end up staying there for 2o minutes because we have so much to catch up on. thank you for always joining me in the lounge to do our homework, having the bachelor nights, going to brunch and having to add chairs to the table. thank you for being positive influences on my life.

thank you to my professors for being the great educators that they are. while i may not understand exactly what you mean by “subjective character experience” or what the standard deviation of the mean is, or perhaps how 1st person point of view is less reliable than 3rd person point of view, i am here at college to LEARN. by learning i am able to create a better future for myself, and others. sure, i may complain about how i am forced to speak in only spanish and go by laura in my spanish class, but that is how i am going to learn. being completely engaged in wanting to learn is how i am going to truly benefit. thank you for providing me with these opportunities, my dear profs. us students may complain, but we truly appreciate all that you are doing.

thank you to my friends back at home for staying in contact with me and for understanding what i am going through here. its hard to update you all when things are constantly changing. telling you about specific people and events is hard as you could not possibly ever meet these people or experience what i am for yourself. yet, you still want to hear about how i am doing and what is happening here 5,280 feet above sea level. i miss you all and this summer is going to be great.

i may have some bad days, but i am so blessed to have so many great people in my life. in the times i may feel lost, you are all there standing by my side, whether i realize it or not.

lots of love,

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