on friendships & more

what a week. a week full of birthday celebrations, new beginnings, lessons learned, and much more.

second week of second semester, while week one was pretty rough, i dived into week two with more positivity in hopes of having a better week. it certainly was not a hundred percent better than the first, but it sure has made me a stronger person and had me reevaluate who i am, as well as friendships and more.

i did not expect to run into drama in college, but it sure exists. no matter where you are, people are going to do things that are will upset you (and you are probably upsetting them, you may not even know or realize). it is important to face the problem straight on, rather than avoiding it. after all, when some of your best friends live on the exact same wing as you, getting ready in the bathroom or eating dinner in silence isn’t the best way to handle situations.

  • nothing gets communicated over text. sure, you can let someone know that you’re upset with them, but nothing can be resolved unless you talk in person. this also goes for really any situation… confrontation is never easy, but it is even worse to avoid problems in the first place.
  • all that being said, friends are way more important than petty drama. i cannot stress that enough. looking back on everything that happened this week, i am so happy that everything was settled fairly quickly. it is so easy to get caught up in the dumb drama, but letting situations go is a lot better in the long run. having tension with people is never good, forgive and forget and keep on going :).
  • when in doubt… order pizza hut. my roommate and i ordered a giant cookie and cinnamon sticks, two nights in a row. a late night pick-me-up can make anyone feel just a little bit better.

this week i started my job on campus. while it was been a little rocky so far, hours are really flexible and some of the time i am able to get my homework done! i am incredibly thankful for this position as it keeps my day structured and the best part, the work that i am doing is helping out other people.

i found myself feeling out of sorts and i could not pinpoint what exactly was wrong. i felt as if their was nobody who wanted to hear me out and try and understand where i was coming from. i learned the best thing to do in this situation is to GET OUT. a bad day can be turned around so quickly just from getting out of bed, putting your feet on the floor, showering and exploring the outdoors. you don’t even need to go far, just going across the street from your campus, or walking around your neighborhood can make you feel much, much better.

i learned that things are going to surprise you. i enrolled in a class called “literature matters.” i don’t even know why, a friend told me she was taking it, and i needed an extra class, so i thought to myself, “why not?” i have only gone to that class four times and while my professor lectures on about how to tell if an author is writing in 3rd person point of view or 3rd person omniscient, or how reading encourages theory of mind, or perhaps how to tell if a piece of writing is considered literature, i sit in class, pondering every word. i find this a bit funny, as i have never, ever been a big reader myself. yet i may have found my favorite class this semester.

above all, i learned that to have a friend, is to be a friend. go out, have fun, celebrate special occasions with your friends. do things that make you happy. whether you believe it or not, people care about you and want you to be okay. make sure you are looking out for other people, as well as yourself.

lots of love,


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