cheers to the new year

while i sit here aimlessly staring at my laptop screen that has been tabbed since the beginning of semester break, i struggle to come up with the right combination of words to fully describe my thoughts for the start of 2016. when i look back on 2015, a couple of defining moments come to mind. finally deciding on a college, attending prom, walking across the red carpet at graduation and receiving my diploma, working with a children’s theatre company, celebrating my eighteenth birthday, moving into my college dorm, and lastly, starting college.

even though the first semester of college only made up roughly four months of 2015, it feels like the majority. moving from my small little sheltered town in california to a big city, denver in colorado was a step towards independency, something i have been forever striving for, yet truly never knew how to achieve.

when i said goodbye to my parents at the bottom of the quad, i entered a universe where for the first time, everyone was completely in their own isolated world. walking back into my dorm room where i didnt know a soul, (other than my roommate, who i had only known in person for 48 hours) striked intense fear. there was no place for me to go, other than my own dorm room (which technically is only half mine) and hiding there wasn’t going to do me any good. i quickly learned the typical conversation of the week by getting outside of my little dorm room and introducing myself to all the unfamiliar faces. (hi. my name is lauren. im from california. i live on the first floor of oconnell hall. i am undecided. here is all my social media! wanna come to dinner with me and this big group of people?) as a person who would define their high school self as a quiet and shy person, i knew that had to change if i wanted to take advantage of what college was about to offer. i quickly found people i meshed with and campus transformed into what once was individuals walking around with random people they met at orientation, to numerous amounts of cliques parading around the walkways.

slowly but surely i found my true friends. (not that the ones i met during the first week are not friends. i still do consider them friends, our paths just do not cross as much) the best of the friends i made came naturally, and ultimately were the ones i saw on a day to day basis and grew closer with. (if you all are reading this, i love and appreciate you all dearly!!). at the end of the day, i realized to have a friend, you gotta be a friend, it’s a two way street, and you get what you give. i was not going to get anywhere from sitting in my dorm room all the time. these next four years are mine to pave, and the gift of independency that i was handed all starts with making my own decisions, and taking control.

walking back into my dorm after saying goodbye to my parents seems like forever ago, when really it was just a few short months back. i walked into a blank slate. now that a new year has approached, it reminds me that a new blank slate has been created for me, and for everyone else. with a great first semester behind me, i have realized blank slates are new beginnings and provide opportunities for one to grow. i am anxious yet looking forward to what this next year has to hold.

just like the first semester of college, it is time to take control, make my own decisions, and speak for myself. 2016, a time to make new friends, cherish new memories, and continue to build confidence, (and stay out of drama). here is to a brand new year, 2016!!!

have a great year everyone!



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